
So, that’s the thing about crushes!

They come; they go. And then, there are those whose names remain etched in your hearts, yes-those one-sided relationships are exactly what am referring to. These people are just like clouds, they come into your lives when it is sunny, everything is peaceful, and then, they create havoc, stir up your heart, and then, one day, they just disappear. Its funny how crushes can shape one’s life.

In my case, there are these three people, who changed my life forever….one, who taught me what love meant, how loving someone felt like, the second, the calming breeze after the storm where I took shelter, the third, making me question did I do right by both of them and myself?

If I am any different today than exactly 10 years back, I owe it all to these three in my short, under achieved life. I consider myself lucky to have stumbled upon such cool people, no doubt, there has always been this lingering regret that I could never confess my fondness of them but wasn’t it worth not to have mentioned, it should be! Shouldn’t it?

But, you know, there’s this particular thing about crushes that your liking for them is temporary, by which I mean temporarily strong, not altogether gone.

At first, you don’t like them, you hate them, their every tiny mini antics and stuff they do, and then suddenly out of the blues, you realize, you like them for the same hateful and mean things they do and that you won’t survive a second longer not being in touch with them…..wait, you said you liked them, is it really only liking or… it love?

By georginasmith98

Co-author of multiple anthologies, poet, blogger, bathroom singer.... and your friend next door!

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